Uttarpara Sangeet Chakra is a voluntary social and cultural organisation operating from its office cum Training School premises in Uttarpara. The organisation is widely known for its Annual Classical Musical Conference. It also organizess local and district level Conferences, workshop, talent search competitions throughout the year. The Sangeet Chakra training School named Sangeet Bhavan imparts training in Classical and light Classical music to its numerous students. Uttarpara Sangeet Chakra was established in 1957 by a group of music enthusiasts of the town under the revered guidance of Sri Amarnath Mukherjee with the pledge to popularise Indian Classical Music and Dance by organizing shows of renowned artistes of India. The shows are held on the Uttarpara Jaykrishna Public Library grounds. Uttarpara has a rich history of fine taste and culture; the Public Library is sanctified by the blessings of Rishi Aurobindo, the walls of the library still breathe the memory of Poet Michal Madhusudan Dutta
It has been more than 50 years of legendary performances, patronizing, music overcoming difficulties, support, and accolades. However, one thing remains the same – the motive force and indomitable urge of the few sincere lovers of classical music who spend sleepless nights of anxiety every year to organize this musical extravaganza. We firmly believe that musical performances of this genre should be considered at par with educative or literary events – in a word, these events should be considered as conferences instead of shows. After all, it is only music that transcends all mental, political, and national boundaries to create a communion of Sura, Tan, Matra, Taal, and Laya.